Valuing Economic Benefits of Agricultural Landscape by Double-Bounded Dichotomous Choice CVM. A Case Study of Nose-town, Osaka Prefecture.:-A Case Study of Nose-town, Osaka Prefecture-
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In this paper, we evaluate the environmental benefits which Nose-town's agricultural landscape bring about to residents by applying double-bounded dichotomous choice CVM.<BR>As a result of the evaluation, we obtain about thirty-five billion yen per year as a value amount of the agricultural landscape (WTP) . The agricultural landscape is evaluated by residents within ninety-minute area from Nose-town. Although large cities such as Kyoto, Osaka and Kobe are included in the ninety-minute area, this value amount is quite large sum of amount for the traditional agricultural landscape that is not turned into the sightseeing resort. An increasing number of local governments and organizations have carried out the policies and activities to preserve the endangered Japanese traditional agricultural landscape such as terranced rice paddy fields. This evaluation results support the idea that these policies and activities are worth carrying out.<BR>In this study, to specify how large a range of beneficiaries is, we expanded the target of the CVM survey to the ninety-minute area. Consequently, we clarified the relationship between access time and WTP. That is to say according as the access time to the environmental goods increases WTP decreases. As we have illustrated the relationship with a figure, which shows the relationship between the access time and WTP, we obtain some knowledge about the range of beneficiaries. The knowledge gives us useful information to design CVM survey.<BR>In this CVM survey, we applied double-bounded dichotomous choice to supplement disadvantage of singlebounded dichotomous choice, a shortage of information provided to respondents. As a result, we could clarify an effect that the rate of yes-saying at the highest offer value showed relatively low level in comparison with single-bounded dichotomous choice.
- 農村計画学会の論文
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