A Study on Village Classifications Analysis from the Regional Resources in Rural Area.
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In this study, we investigated the direction of rural planning by village classifications analysis. Then they have new points of view, rural culture, tradition, nature, etc. Which are superior to city's. Villages are classified from the region al resources, (1) -1 land and (1) -2 labor (field of production), (2) -1 organization and culture-tradition and (2) -2 nature (fild of life) .<BR>Conclusions as follows: <BR>1. In regard to field of production, villases are classified 7 pattarns, stability or variable of aguricultural base size, and the efficiency of its management.<BR>2. The above 7 patterns are characterized by regional quality. But another pattern in regard to field of life are not.<BR>3. There is an intemate relationship between two fields which are production and life.<BR>In order for agricultural village to be full of vigor, it's neccessary to balance of two fields. And this study gave vil. lages a importance of understanding and effective use of regional resources.
- 農村計画学会の論文
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