Trends in the use of dental drugs in dental practice survey among 17 private dental college and university hospital in Japan.:17 private dental college and university hospital in Japan
- 論文の詳細を見る
The actual situation of the dental drug use in 17 hospitals of dental college and university during the last three and half years was investigated. The numbers of drugs investigated were 148 which were 117 drugs only for dental therapy listed in the drug price list (part 4) and 12 drugs for gargles and 19 drugs for oral use, appeared in the drug list of general medical use. Twenty four drugs in 148 of dental drugs had not been on the market because of no production. The average number of drugs used in each hospital was 38 ranging 27 to 56.<BR>The drug preparations such as camphorated-phenol, formalin-cresol and dental iodine glycerin were prepared in the hospital pharmacy.<BR>It was confused to register all the chemicals used in dental practices as the dental drug or dental material.<BR>The renewal of the package inserts ordered by the Ministry of Welfare was almost com-pleted in dental drugs but its retaining rate in each hospital pharmacy was only about 58%.
- 日本歯科薬物療法学会の論文
日本歯科薬物療法学会 | 論文
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