Histochemical Studies on the Lipo-Pigments in the Brains and Livers of Aged People, Hogs with Yellow-Fat Disease, and Rats with Experimental Vitamin E Deficiency
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1. Although it is believed that ceroid and lipofuscin belong to the same system and are produced by the autoxidation of unsaturated fatty acids, and moreover, lipofuscin is far more oxidized than ceroid, it is impossible to distinguish clearly these two substances in a certain oxidation stadium. They are regarded as complex substances of chemical structures varying according to the various organs of different species of animals.<BR>2. The lipo-pigments in the livers, in general, tend to be oxidized more rapidly than those in the brains. The lipo-pigments in the livers of aged people, for example, presented the characteristics of lipofuscin, while the lipopigments in the brains of the same subjects were observed to be of ceroid type. Chemical differences due to the locality in the brain were not ascertained. The lipo-pigments in the brains of rats with vitamin E defciency were also of ceroid type, but the livers had lipo-pigments with the intermediate characteristics between ceroid and lipofuscin. Although the lipo-pigments in the brains and livers of hogs with yellow-fat disease had similar intermediate characteristics, more marked properties of lipofuscin were observed in the livers.<BR>3. The fat in the lipo-pigments, in accordance with the progress of autoxidation, changed from neutral to acid, while gradually losing the characteristics of fat.<BR>4. The lipo-pigments included no free portein, but the SS and SH group reactions were positive.<BR>5. Judging from the fact of the early appearance of lipo-pigments in rats with vitamin E deficiency, it is convincing that vitamin E deficiency accelerates the autoxidation of unsaturated fatty substances and the production of the lipo-pigments. It was not possible for histochemical differentiation pertaining to the lipo-pigments in vitamin E deficiency, yellow-fat disease, and in the senile process to be made. It is assumed that these substances in various state belong to the identical system histochemically. From these findings it can be concluded that vitamin E deficiency causes an accelerating action on the process of aging.
- 日本組織細胞化学会の論文
日本組織細胞化学会 | 論文
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