Studies on the Neurohumoral Theory-Continued:The Characteristic on Histochemical Distributions of Monoamine Oxidase and Cholinesterase Activity Concerning the Innervation of Esophagus, and a Consideration on the Etiology of Cardiospasm
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The distribution of monoamine oxidase (MAO) activity in digestive canal of dogs had previously been investigated histochemically after Takamatsu's potassium tellurite method, on the standpoint of the neurohumoral theory, comparing with the distribution of cholinesterase (ChE) activity after Koelle's thiocholine method.<BR>In muscle layer, media of artery and gland cells, MAO activity was moderately positive and ChE activity was almost negative, while nerve fibers around those tissues showed intense activity of ChE and extremely poor activity of MAO. In Meissner's plexus, MAO activity was poor or almost negative generally in digestive canal. Auerbach's plexus revealed, on the contrary, positive activity in various degrees. Auerbach's plexus of esophagus, especially ina the lower part, showed high activity of MAO and contained many"nuclear positive type"nerve cells, which demonstrated not only high activity in the cytoplasm but marked positive reaction outwardly in the nuclei, and which was characteristic of sympathetic ganglia. In Auerbach's plexus of the stomach, moderate activity of MAO was demonstrated, but"nuclear positive type"cells could hardly be found except in a few groups of nerve cells in the upper part of the cardia. In Auerbach's plexus of the small intestine, moderate activity was observed as was shown in the stomach, but"nuclear positive type"cells were not yet demonstrated. Marked activity of ChE was found generally in nerve cells and fibers both of Meissner's and Auerbach's plexus.<BR>Based on these results, this time, distributions of both enzymes in ganglia and nerve fibers concerning the innervation of esophagus, in nerve plexus and effector tissues of esophageal wall were investigated in detail.<BR>Further study was also presented, on the histochemical changes in five cases of cardiospasm surgically resected, and a consideration was given about etiology of the disease.
- 日本組織細胞化学会の論文
日本組織細胞化学会 | 論文
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