- 論文の詳細を見る
Automated Rorschach system was developed for Klopfer-Kataguchi technique. Programs were written in BASIC, the total size is about190KB, and run on a personal computer system of NEC's PC-9801series. The Rorschach scores were written by line-editor in the traditional manner. The automated interpretation was based on the standard scores cut off by mean± 1σ and mean± 2σ . Two hundred and fifty five if-then rule based system were constructed on the quantitative relationships included with contents, and the sequence of the record. Fifty four meta-rules regulate the contradictory rules. The outputs for screen, printer, and disk, were consisted of scoring list, tables of location, determinant, contents, psychogram, summary scor ings, record of clients, and the automated interpretation. The automated interpretation was printed in the ordinary style of Japanese containing about1500-2000letters. The system performance was evaluted for concordance of the automated diagnoses to the seventy-five clinical cases and to the thirty-three normal subjects. The result of analyses revealed that our system was in full clinical validity. The automated interpretation of the Rorschach record of the methamphetamine psychotic was compared to the report by the clinician.
- 日本行動計量学会の論文
日本行動計量学会 | 論文
- 2. Bayesian Generalized Bradley-Terry Model using RJMCMC
- 予測変数を伴う展開型項目反応モデル(一般セッション IRT)
- 刺激が複数の要因の影響下にあるときの尺度構成法 : Bradley-Terryモデルを用いて(セッションN-11(MK202) 一般セッション 心理2)
- プログラミング演習支援のためのコンパイルエラー分析(e-learning・e-testing)
- 4.問題解決力を涵養する統計教育支援教材の研究開発(特別セッション 問題解決力を育む統計教育の展開)