Effects of Plowing and Herbicide Application on Vegetation Dynamics in Abandoned Upland Fields.
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Effects of plowing and herbicide application on the vegetation dynamics were examined in two types of uncultivated upland fields, one without tillage for 5 years and the other where plowing was carried out once a year. The restoration processes of the vegetation in the fields were analyzed during a period of 3 years in terms of floristic composition and degree of succession. In the fields without tillage for 8 years, the degree of succession increased to a value of more than 1000, the flora being dominated by Pueraria lobata and Solidago altissima. In the fields where plowing was carried out 4 times annually, the degree of succession decreased, the flora being dominated by grasses such as Digitaria ciliaris and Setaria viridis. When herbicides (paraquat) were applied twice a year, the degree of succession decreased in the fields without tillage prior to the herbicide application and increased in the fields where plowing was carried out once a year, with Pueraria lobata dominating in both fields. It was concluded that plowing 4 times a year is suitable for the restoration of degraded fields unlike the sole application of herbicides.
- 日本雑草学会の論文
日本雑草学会 | 論文
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