Ozone Deterioration of Nitrile Rubber Surface.
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We studied the deterioration process of nitrite rubber (NBR) in a micro and detailed manner through the ozone exposure test. The surface of ozone-deteriorated NBR was sliced by microtome. The crack behavior and the ratio of element on the ozone-deteriorated surface were examined in detail by microscope and ESCA. We found that the cracks were formed perpendicular to the stress direction, which is peculiar to the ozone deterioration.The deterioration was accelerated remarkably with the increase of ozone concentration and, however, occurred only very thin surface in a relatively short time. According to the surface analysis by ESCA, the ratio of oxygen and nitrogen atoms increased with the deterioration time, while the ratio of carbon atom decreased.
- マテリアルライフ学会の論文
マテリアルライフ学会 | 論文
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