The construction of the database of research on outdoor pursuits in Japan and its trends analysis
- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study was to construct the database of articles on outdoor pursuits in Japan and to analyze those trends. The main items of the database which was developed as Resources of Outdoor Pursuits (ROP) were as follows: Auther, Title, Name of journal or publisher, Year, Page capacity, Abstract. 2, 746 of registered 3, 258 articles were examined for trend analyses, and the followings were found.<BR>1) 47% of all articles were on skiing, 17% on mountaineering, and 14% on camping.<BR>2) On applied field, about 50% studies were related to methodology or physiology.<BR>3) On applied field in articles of camping, 36% were related to psychology and 42% to methodology. And about 80% of all articles on mountaineering were related to physiology and sports medicine, and nearly 70% on skiing to biomechanics, physiology and methodology.<BR>4) From analyses of key words, the main theme on camping was about human resources, and the number of words related to environmental education tended to increase in 1990's. On mountaineering, common key words in each decades were about high altitude mountaineering, but there were few words related to aged mountaineers. On skiing, the numbers of key words of cross-country skiing and light touring skis had tended to increase since 1980's.
- 日本野外教育学会の論文
日本野外教育学会 | 論文
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