A Study on Radiotherapy in Lung Cancer
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There are two purposes for the treatment of the patients with lung carcinoma. One is for the curative, that is to improve five year survival rate, and the other is for the palliative, that is to improve the time period of surviving as well as to eliminate the complaint the patients severely suffering.<BR>Radiation treatment could be effective to cure the patients with lung carcinoma if they are in earlier stages, however the most of the cases revealed too advanced to be cured, so it is valuable to treat them for the palliative.<BR>During the 12 years period since May, 1962 through October, 1974 at National Cancer Center Hospital. We have studied 631 cases with primary lung cancer which were treated with external radiation. The survival rate was examined in these cases from the point of view of radiation treatment with several comments added.<BR>The over-all survival at five years was 13 (3.1%) out of 418 cases. Histologically, the cases with squamous cell carcinoma revealed 3 (2.1%) survivors at three years out of 143 cases, those with adenocarcinoma 6 (3.7%) of 164 cases, those with undif ferentiated large cell carcinoma 1 (2.9%) of 34 cases and those with undifferentiated small cell carcinoma 3 (3.9%) of 77 cases. Viewing from the stage of the disease, the five year survival was 6 (22.2%) out of 27 cases with Stage I, 3 (16.7%) out of 18 cases with Stage II and 4 (1.1%) out of 373 cases with Stage III.<BR>From the point of radiation treatment, one of the advantages of this combination was that the extent of the cancer in the lung and the mediastinum was well demon strated by the bronchial-arteriography. This was important to decide the field for radiation treatment. The second advantage of this technique was that the tumor dose of radiation could be reduced by adding local administration of anti-cancer drugs through the bronchial artery. This meant that we could decrease radiation dose to the vital organs of the lung and the heart.
- 特定非営利活動法人 日本肺癌学会の論文
特定非営利活動法人 日本肺癌学会 | 論文
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