Application of Plant Canopy Analyzer for Mature Tea (Camellia sinensis L.) Bush.
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A non destructive method using Plant Canopy Analyzer(LAI-2000, LI-COR, Inc.)was applied to estimate a leaf area index(LAI)for mature tea(Camellia sinensis L.)bushes. The LAI estimated by PCA showed a positive correlation(n=51, r=0.951, p<0.0001)with the orthodox stratified clip method using a leaf area meter. A bias was observed, however, with PCA, since an LAI value of 3 was noted with no leaf. The positive LAI observed in the absence of leaves suggests that the PCA method may sense a branch ares as a leaf area. Thus the estimation of LAI using PCA dose not seem appropriate. When the same methodology was applied for total weight of a bush, a better correlation was found with PCA(n=51, r=0.973, p<0.0001)than LAI. Thus the PCA appears to be a method of choice for measuring the total weight of a tea bush.
- 日本作物学会の論文
- 秋季のチャ樹冠内における蕾の分布
- 日本作物学会東海支部第134回講演会「現地見学会」の報告
- I.話題提供 : 5.茶管理作業の機械化と技術改善(チャの環境保全型栽培技術体系の確立と品質評価)
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- II.総合討論(チャの環境保全型栽培技術体系の確立と品質評価)
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- Application of Plant Canopy Analyzer for Mature Tea (Camellia sinensis L.) Bush.