Physical characteristics of human skeletal remains from Tomari cave in Himi city, Toyama prefecture.
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A human skull without the mandible, which was covered partially with lime stone, and costal fragments were discovered at Tomari cave in Himi city, Toyama prefecture, Japan, in 1967 and 1972, respectively. Relative dating using the fluorine method has provisionally attributed the human bones to the earlier Holocene or to the later Late Pleistocene (MATSU'URA 1985). In the present paper, we describe and discuss the physical characteristics of the skull from the Tomari cave in comparisons with those of several populations from the Late Pleistocene to the present day. The skull is in a relatively good state of preservation, although both cranial base and right face are mostly lost. The skull can be regarded as that of male aged about twenty years old.The skull vault is thick, and its measurements are very close to those of Mikkabi and Hamakita men of the Late Pleistocene from the mainland of Japan. The neurocranium is small. The length-breadth index of the vault is 81.1 (brachycranial), the length-auriculo-bregmatic-height index 68.0 (hypsicranial) and the breadth-auriculo-breg-matic-height index is 83.8 (metriocranial). The frontal region is relatively wide. The masticatory muscle attachment areas are well developed, whereas the nuchal plane is smooth. The upper face as a whole is considerably low according to the upper facial indices of KOLLMANN and VIRCHOW, which are estimated to be 45.0 (euryene) and 60.6 (hyperchamaeprosopic), respectively. The left orbital index is of chamaeconch type (76.7) and the nasal index is of hyperchamaerrhine type (58.7). The maxillo-alveolar and palatal indices are 129.4 (brachyuranic) and 100.0 (brachystaphiline). The nasal root is wide, and projects forward. The remaining teeth are 7644567, which are relatively small in size. All of them exhibit enamel hypoplasia, indicating a serious nutritional deficiency.The measurements obtained and MORRISON'S deviation graphs for comparison indicate that the Tomari cave skull in general resembles the initial to early Jomon skull more closely than the middle to final Jomon skull. It is noteworthy that the Tomari cave skull is also similar to the late Pleistocene skull in the morphology of the upper facial and nasal regions. Judging from the PENROSE'S shape distance on 10 items concerning the facial region, the Tomari cave skull is the nearest to the initial to early Jomon skull and very distant from both Edo era and modern Japanese skulls. The comparative morphological position based on the principal co-ordinate analysis of PENROSE'S shape distances shows that the Tomari cave skull belongs to a cluster of the Jomon groups. This seems to suggest that it is morphologically heterogeneous to the Minatogawa Late Pleistocene skull discovered in Okinawa.
- 日本人類学会の論文
日本人類学会 | 論文
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