Basic studies of land use division in suburban districts with the chita area in Aichi prefecture as an example.:with the Chita Area in Aichi Prefecture as an Example
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Land use planning that considers a city and suburban agricultural villages as one to comprehensively plan various environments does not exist in Japan. The master land use plan, which is a master plan for the utilization of land, has limits especially for suburban district planning because of imperfect consolidation of individual regulations and laws. Individual regulations and laws, such as the urban design law and other similar laws, are wanting in comprehensiveness. They show only the relative land use division from the standpoint of urbanization or restriction of urbanization and most are not based on actual conditions. <BR>The reason is a lack of understanding of the dynamic state of land use in suburban districts and delays in the consolidation of land use planning to reflect changes. <BR>In this study, which uses the Chita area in Aichi Prefecture as an example, the actual land use conditions in suburban districts are analyzed with land use and land use planning that reflect actual conditions. <BR>First, the purpose and method of land use analysis were described. The final object of the analysis is to identify transition areas that are urbanized in terms of land use. The division of land use in the Chita area was made using a time series urbanization scale. Second, the result of the analysis was described. In the Chita area, the area predicted to become a city area will reach approximately 50% of the entire area. Almost all the areas were shown to be located in the urban control area, but not always within the boundaries of the existing town and city. Third, based on the results of the analysis in the Chita area, a study was made of what the land use division and planning in future should be. Judging from the actual conditions of land use, it will be desirable to develop at the village, town or area level an overall land use plan. In order to assure success of the plan, it is absolutely necessary to extract the transition area and free them from urban and agricultural village division, and then implement the plan selectively
- 農村計画学会の論文
農村計画学会 | 論文
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