Evaluating Recreational Amenities of a Pick-Up Farm. An Application of the Travel Cost Method.:-An Application of the Travel Cost Method-
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The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the recreational value of Nishigami Farm Management Co-operation's pickup farm in Hokkaido, Shikaoi-town. We use zonal travel cost method to evaluate the value of this farm. The travel cost method is used to estimate a demand curve and its consumer's surplus.<BR>About 15, 000 people visit the pick-up farm annually for recreation. They visit not only for picking up strawberries but also for enjoying rural amenities and agricultural landscapes. Most of the people visit the pick-up farm by their car. It is easy to estimate their travel cost. Therefore, we think that this site is appropriate for applying the travel cost method.<BR>The data results from a questionnaire survey that was interviewed in from July to September 1993 to visitors at the pick-up farm. Consequently, we collected the data of 208 visitor groups from these on-site surveys. For evaluating the recreational value of the pick-up farm, we estimated the frequency of visit functions by ordinary least squares (OLS). These functions are used for estimating demand curves. Finally, we obtain the consumer's surplus by integrating demand curves.<BR>As the result of applying the travel cost method to the recreational value of the pick-up farm, we obtain three conclusions which are summarized as follows.<BR>1. The recreational value of this pick-up farm is estimated at about from ten million to thirty million yen. And this amount is equivalent to the farm's annual turnover from the entrance fee.<BR>2. Visitors recognize that the farm provides the rural amenities such as "enjoying natural environment to the full" or "actually, we are able to experience agriculture".<BR>3. The travel cost method is very useful for evaluating the multifaceted function of agriculture and farming villages by selecting appropriate cases.
- 農村計画学会の論文
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