A Study of the Views about Settling Down of the Inhabitants, Living in the Districts of a Local City, and Requirements for its Environmental Conditions, Public Facilities by Questionnaire for Inhabitants. In the Case of Kanuma City.:-In the Case of Kanuma
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Recently, the Problem of maintaining population level in local cities and surrounding areas has been a serious subject for regional planning. It is an especialy serious problem in underpopulated rural areas. The factor involved are both economic and social. In this paper we wish to look at this problem.<BR>The aim of this study is to look at the following Points:<BR>(1) Views of the inhabitants as to the habitabilities of the hamlets and cities.<BR>(2) Whether inhabitants intend to continue living at the hamlets and the cities.<BR>(3) The value put on the principal regional facilities by the inhabitants.<BR>(4) The value put on the principal conditions in the neighborhood by the inhabitants.<BR>(5) The requirments for improvements to the regional facilities.<BR>(6) The requirments of improvements for the conditions in the neighborhood.<BR>We chose Kanuma city as the object of this study, It has a population of 93, 000, and is in Totigi prefecture. Kanuma city is composed of ten districts, these are densely inhabited districts, unterraced rice field and hamlets, and terraced field and hamlets, narrow village in between small mountains and small villages in the mountains.<BR>In this study, we sent out questionnaires to 2, 000 inhabitants and received 803 replies. The results of questionnaire showed the following tendencies:<BR>(1) On the questions of the habitability, 68.8% of people answered their lives were comfortable and 21.3% of people answered their lives were uncomfortable.<BR>(2) Questions of intentions of remaining in the city, 76.1% of people answered they wished to live there.<BR>(3) It appears that the positive or negative impressions of the city are directly related to whether or not people intended to continue living in the area.<BR>(4) The reasons given for remaining were the existence of properties attachment tothe home town and natural surroundings in city.<BR>(5) Response to the questions at the value put on regional facilities, the highly valued items were infant schools, elementary and junior high schools.<BR>(6) The low-valued facilities were the hospitals social welfare facilities for the aged peoples and of the high schools, museums, athletic facilities, leisure facilities for inhabitants.<BR>(7) The requirments for new facilities were confined to the medical facilities, leisure facilities and parks.<BR>(8) Other areas identified in the questions in need of improvement were environmental ammenities such as the conditions of the roads, the drain systems, safe play yards for the children, small parks and the more street lamps.
- 農村計画学会の論文
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