A Comparative Study on 'Amenity' Goal Structure between Japan and Korea in Rural Planning.
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In this "affluent society" many people have been so much changing their views of 'value' from material richness to better quality of life, and the marginal meaning of agriculure is changing from its economic function to its output-mix of social benefits.<BR>Therefore a focal point of rural planning is to be not only economic maximization, but also social optimization.<BR>Under this circumstance, the problem of amenity becomes an object of rural planning. The definition of rural amenity, however is very vague and difficult to identify. <BR>With this in mind, the present study aims to make clear the following points: 1) a goal-system of amenity in rural planning by goal-tree-method<BR>2) methods of determining the goal-priority for optimum investment in multi-dimensional rural planning goals<BR>3) a comparative study on goal-structure of rural amenity between Japan and Korea.<BR>A tool of this study depends on "Nutzwertanalyse, " a method of criteria weights in rank ordering techniques of project evaluation.<BR>-Goal-systems of amenity in rural planning are very similar between Japan and Korea.<BR>-The preference of ecological and settlemental goals seems to be much higher in Japan than in Korea.<BR>-In Korea the goal-value is shifting to not only employment, but also more and more the so-called "intangible". goals, for example, beautiful landscape.
- 農村計画学会の論文
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