Evaluation of the Influence of Revitalization Measures of Regional Agriculture by Cognitive Map Analysis.
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This study demonstrates the usefulness of cognitive map analysis when applied to the clarification of regional agricultural problems and future development planning in Tono-shi, Iwate prefecture. It is made clear that the regional leaders recognize the following methods are important for the revitalization of regional agriculture and rurul community:<BR>1) The most important method for revitalizing regional agriculture and the rurul community is to somehow reorganize the present small scale rice production system.<BR>2) Rice farm enlargement should be promoted by further land mobilization and contract rice operation, which will eventually lower the cost of rice production.<BR>3) For the effective use of labor set free by land mobilization and contract rice operation, regional leaders recognize that promotion of such farm products as vegetables, beef cattle, and forest products is important.<BR>4) For the future of their agriculture, it is considered very important to establish production systems of not onlylow cost but also high valued products adapted to diversified consumer demands.<BR>5) The promotion of forestry production is perceived as an important measure for increasing farmer's income as well as for environmental conservation.
- 農村計画学会の論文
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