Biological Studies on Japanese Bees (VI) : Observations on the Nest of Bombus ardens SMITH
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In the course of my study on a dragonet, <I>Synchiropus altivelis</I> (T. & S.), which has still been uncertain about the sexual dimorphism, food habit and so on, some interesting facts have been found to exist. These may be summarized asfollows: 1) The present species is undoubtedly referable to the genus <I>Synchiropus</I>, as already pointed out by SCHULTZ and WOODS (1948) inasmuch as the dorsal soft rays are all branched and devoid of an antrorse spine at the base or on the ventral side of the preopercular spine, as in the members referred to that genus.The present species, however, apparently more closely resembles the members of <I>Callionymus</I> than do the rest of the members of the present genus in the relative position of the gill-opening and in the degree of the depression of the head. 2) The present species is rather widely distributed in the sea between that part of Japan with Yokohama on the Pacific coastand Kasumi (Hyogo Pref.) on the Japan Sea in the north and Formosa in the south. The southern limit of the distribution, however, appears to be more or less uncertain. 3) Remarkable secondary sexual dimorphism is found to exist in relative lengths of dorsalsoft rays, posterior anal rays and caudal fin rays in specimens larger than about 100mm in body length (Figs.1, 2 and Table 2); the rays are decidedly longer in males than in females. Males are also distinguished from females by the difference in color pattern on dorsal and caudal fins. 4) Thefood of the young as well as the adult consists chiefly of small crustaceous animals, such as copepods and ostracods. Its stomach contents have revealed that it also lives on some small benthonic invertebrates (Table 3). 5) We can conjecture from the anatomical study that the fish spawns during the period between late winter and early spring.
- 兵庫農科大学の論文
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