An Ambulatory Data-logger Apparatus for Determining Heart Rate of Horses Grazed on Pastures.
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An ambulatory data-logging system for recording heart rate and/or the R-R interval in horses was developed. This system consisted o f a pulse generator for detecting heart beats and a data memory apparatus. The pulse signal generated by the pulse generator was fed to the data memory apparatus, and the heart rate and/or R-R interval was measured. The heart rate o f a riding horse was recorded for over 24 h and the accuracy in determining heart beats was monitored with an ambulatory EGG recorder. False beat counts were 0.04% of total heart beats during the housed period and 1.6% during the grazing period in a paddock. It was thought that this system might become a useful tool to use in studying behavior and physiology based on the heart rate and/or R-R intervals in free-ranging horses.
- 日本ウマ科学会の論文
日本ウマ科学会 | 論文
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