The Construction of an Inventory of Organized Camp Experience for Children (IOCE-C) and Its Reliability and Validity
- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study was to construct an inventory on the assessment of organized camp experiences forelementary school children, and to test the reliability and validity of this inventory. In Study 1, in order to selectthe items for this inventory, 159 sets of qualitative data were collected from preliminary studies and literaturereviews. Second, 43 items were selected from these on the basis of their generality and their relevancy.Exploratory factor analysis of data from 425 elementary children (4th to 6th grades) resulted in an Inventory ofOrganized Camp Experience for Children (IOCE-C) consisting of 20 items, including five subscales such as, "Experience of contact with nature, ""Experience of challenge/mastery, ""Experience of cooperation with others, ""Experience of self-disclosure, " and "Experience of self-focus." Sufficient reliability of the IOCE-Cwas confirmed by results of measures of internal consistency and split-half reliability. Moreover, IOCE-Cscores were compared between two groups with various durations in organized camp experience. Results of thet-test analysis showed that IOCE-C scores of the group which had a longer camp experience were significantlyhigher than those of the group with the shorter camp period. This suggests that the IOCE-C has high constructvalidity. The elementary children's scores for the IOCE-C were reviewed for the differences between the sexesand between the grades. Girls showed higher score in "Experience of cooperation with others, " Experience of"self-disclosure, " and "Experience of self-focus" than boys. Further, boys in grade 6 presented higher score in"Experience of challenge/mastery" than boys in grade 4. In Study 2, discriminate validity was examined fromexperimental perspective. The results showed the IOCE-C had high validity in each subscale. Finally, a possible direction for future studies with use of the IOCE-C was discussed.
- 日本野外教育学会の論文
日本野外教育学会 | 論文
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