Variation in elemental composition of Japanese ancient (Jomon and Yayoi eras) human bones.
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Excavated ribs obtained from 30 Jomon and 7 Yayoi sites, and 5 skeletal components (rib, hand phalanx, vertebra, skull and fibula) of 3 different skeletons were analyzed for concentration of 19 elements by ICP atomic emission spectrometry and atomic absorption spectrometry. Elements without showing locational variation in the concentration were B, Ca, Cu, Ni and Pb, and large variations were for Al, Co, Fe, Sr, Ti and V. Between two eras, significantly different were the concentrations of Cd, Mg, Ni and P.From results of the factor analysis on the correlational matrix between elemental concentrations, the soil contamination and the maintenance of bone inorganic, matrix were important in determining the elemental composition.Cave samples differed from non-cave samples in concentrations of such elements as Al, Ti, Fe, Zn, P, and Mg, suggesting different processes of diagenetic change.Among skeletal components, the least affected by physical contamination was the phalanx but the rib was not the worst.
- 日本人類学会の論文
日本人類学会 | 論文
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