Incorporation of Buffer BIN into Compost Processing for Marine Trash Collected from Water Intake of Power Plant.
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Incorporation of Buffer BIN into Compost Processing for Marine Trash Collected from Water Intake of Power Plant.We examined a system for composting marine biomass which was collected from the intake of a power plant. The amount of collected biomass, which consisted of seaweed, fish, shellfish, and so on, was sometimes inconsistent due to weather, season, state of the power plant, etc., but the composting device required a steady supply or materials. Therefore, we first determined that the scale of composting installation was 2m3 based on histogram data. Then, in order to increase the rate of operation, we set the reservoir buffer to an appropriate level. Simulation analysis showed the buffer capacity to be 5m3. We also developed a reservoir buffer for rheological materials which was fragmentation biomass before it was composted.We discussed the buffer structure for that material. To judge that adaptation, a discharge experiment was conducted using actual materials. As a result, we determined the multi-step cylinder structure, the number of steps was 5.
- 日本農作業学会の論文
日本農作業学会 | 論文
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