Environmental Load on Organic Milk Production System
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Two dairy farms in Fujinomiya City, feed factory and milk plant were investigated to examine the environmental load in life cycle of milk production. Supposing two dairy farms as organic production (type A) and ordinary production (type B), the following were compared; input work, energy consumption and CO2 discharge, nitrogen and phosphoric balance in the step of dairy farm production. As the result, following fact became clear. In the organic production (type A), input work and environmental load associated with the feeding work are greater than that of the ordinary production (type B) since they feed the silage in the organic production. The environmental load related to the manure treatment in the organic production farm is bigger than that of the ordinary production because the solid-liquid separation, composting treatment and the aeration treatment of liquid manure are employed in order to reuse the manure on own pastureland. It is the almost equivalent environmental load of nitrogen and phosphorus if the difference of balance between input and output in the dairy farm is the environmental load. I worry about accumulation of nitrogen and phosphorus to the pastureland or runoff to the circumstance because the organic dairy farm has never brought out the manure. For developing the function of the organic production system on the circulation of organic resources, the regional trading and production system is necessary to balance nitrogen and phosphorus.
- 日本農作業学会の論文
日本農作業学会 | 論文
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