Mathematical Analysis of Milking Capacity in Automatic Milking System
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This study reported the mathematical model in calculating the milking efficiency of the automatic milking system (with a theoretical number of milking cows) so that the automatic milking system can be used more effectively. The milking operation time was measured throughout a 24-hour period in three types of automatic milking systems on 5 farms before the mathematical model of milking capacity was made. The cleaning interval to influence operation time was changed, and the actual operation time was measured. As a result, the following conclusions were obtained.1) Even if the milk secretion characteristic of the herd was changed, we were able to calculate the milking capacity with the mathematical model.2) Regarding the theoretical number of milking cows, an increase of 23-28% was recognized when the average milk flow of the herd increased from 2kg/min to 3kg/min, a decrease of 29-30% was recognized when the average daily milk yield increased from 24kg to 34kg, and an increase of 21-32% was recognized when the milk yield per milking increased from 8kg to 14kg.3) The changes of the actual operation time by the change of the cleaning interval were 1.3-1.5%, and the change of the theoretical number of milking cows was only 3%.
- 日本農作業学会の論文
日本農作業学会 | 論文
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