Studies on Redesign of Working Conditions in Eggplant Culture: Comparison among the practical pruning methods and the improved pruning method of eggplant fields from a viewpoint of both work posture and work load
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In this study, the work postures and heart rates of a worker were monitored during harvesting works on "V-shaped" and "U-shaped" pruning of eggplant fields as the practical pruning methods and on "Fork-shaped" pruning as an improved one.Rate of a forward-bent posture was higher on the V-shaped pruning than on the U-shaped pruning during the picking phase of the harvesting. It is attributed to the shape of pruning in which main shoots stoop over the aisle on V-shaped pruning.On both the V-shaped pruning and the Fork-shaped pruning, a forward-bent posture was observed as much rate as same at the early period of harvesting season when only lower branches laded with fruit.At the later period of harvesting season when the plants came into baring from the lower branches to the upper ones, the rate of a forward-bent posture on Fork-shaped pruning became lower than on the V-shaped pruning.The heart rates of the worker on the Fork-shaped pruning was observed lower than on the V-shaped pruning during the whole harvesting period.It is concluded that the inconvenient posture such as the forward-bent and the work load are relatively low on the Fork-shaped pruning compared to the V-shaped pruning.
- 日本農作業学会の論文
日本農作業学会 | 論文
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