Assessment of Energy Status by Gis for Agricultural Mechanization-A Case Study in Bangladesh-:A Case Study in Bangladesh
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Effective agricultural mechanization planning requires a comprehensive understanding of energy status, including geographically-referenced information of the area under study. A GIS multi-layered modeling was performed in order to enhance the development of selective agricultural mechanization of Bangladesh based on human labor, draft animal, power tiller and tractors as primary sources of farm power. The objective was to develop an energy scenario regarding alternative farming systems during two cropping season. The GIS model calculated the available energy use, the need and the shortage of energy concerning selective mechanization. Mapping algebra in Avenue Requests and Spatial Analysis was performed for multi layered model development. The spatial distribution of availability, the need and the shortage of energy, and common power sources were analyzed for 64 districts of Bangladesh.
- 日本農作業学会の論文
日本農作業学会 | 論文
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