Reducing Hours and Hardness of Works in Steep Sloping Citrus Orchards by Construction of Farm Paths and a Small Machinery System.
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We are proposing a new farm path system -rib pattern- and small machinery for steep sloping citrus orchards. They were very effective in reduction of hardness and hours of work.1) The new farm path system for the small machines includes two kinds of path, a work path and a connection road with a width of 1.0 to 1.3m. The connection roads acts as a backbone, while work paths are attached laterally to the backbone. To make sure that machines can travel safely along the paths, the surface of the paths should be paved and the gradient should be less than 15 degree. The improvement of the system didn't cause yield reduction in spite of some thinning of citrus trees.2) An air-blast sprayer, a lift transporter and a side distributor were proposed for steep sloping orchards. We could cut works by 35% and reduce the hardness of works without decline the quality of fruits.
- 日本農作業学会の論文
日本農作業学会 | 論文
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