The Analysis of Work Efficiency on Farm-road-turning Large-scale Field. 1. The Comparision with Standard-turning by the Results of Field Investigations.:1. The Comparision with Standard-turning by the Results of Field Investigations
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To raise the work efficiency of field work, the standard-turning (turning in the field=S. T.) type paddy field have been remaking into farm-road-turning (use farm road for turning=F. R. T.) type paddy field at northern area in Miyagi Pref.. The work efficiency of field works which were done at the F. R. T. type paddy field were compared with those by the S. T.. The results are as follows;1) When the face of slope along by the farm road are used as head land in tillage, average turning time of return works are almost same as the S. T. That turning way is useful for raising work efficiency of the F. R. T.2) It's important to make short the average turning time of return works for rice transplanter to get into the paddy field smoothly at the time when that's reserve-seedling-trays are filled.3) As the head land works aren't needed in the case of rice transplanting, it lead to omit the turning time for that works. This is useful for raising work efficiency of the F. R. T..4) As the paddy rice of field's corners can be harvested and threshed by operating combine in the F. R. T. type paddy field, the turning time of head land works is shortened very much as compared with the S. T. So, the work efficiency of harvesting in the F. R. T. type one is higher even if the same working-stroke the S. T. is done.5) In harvesting, the consideration of working stroke based on grasp the time required of many kinds of turning by using combine is useful to make short the turning time. And it lead to raise the work efficiency.
- 日本農作業学会の論文
日本農作業学会 | 論文
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