Evaluating the Characteristics of Tilled Soil by Using the Air Permeability Measurements.
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By an air permeability measurements, we tried to evaluate the difference of soil conditions in a field among the three tillage implements, a rotary tiller, a moldboard plow and a subsoiler.The results of our study are as follows.1. The soil aeration was effected by precipitation. The effect of tillage on the soil aeration was admonished for the amount of accumulated rainfall from 150mm to 200mm after tillage.2. The soil aeration indexed showed the best soil tillage aeration at the plowed plot. The indexed decreased quickly after tillage. It indicated that aeration affect didn't remain long period of time in the plowed plot. The moisture content of soil in plowed plot was wide range and tend to changes in lower moisture content range.3. The amount of soil aeration by rotary tillage were about 2/3 of that by plowing. The duration of tillage effect by the rotary tillage was approximately 1/2 shorter than that by the plowing.The rotary-tilled plot had the characteristics for the high moisture content of soil and bad drainage.4. The moisture contents at the rotary-tilled plot was changed by a subsoiler.5. The plowing improved the both of aeration and permeability of the soil and the subsoiling improved only the permeability by breaking up the deep layer.
- 日本農作業学会の論文
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