Assessment of a No-tillage and Mulching Farming System Incorporated with Fruit Cropping (1) Growth and Yield of Some Crops and Physical and Chemical Properties of the Soil.:(1) Growth and Yield of Some Crops and Physical and Chemical Properties of the Soi
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A 5-years study was conducted to evaluate a notillage and mulching farming system incorporated with fruit cropping. This paper presents some influences of preceding cropping and six mulch and tillage methods on growth and yield of some crops and physical and chemical properties of the soil.1) An effect of preceding cropping on top growth of succeeding cropping was apparent after cultivating leguminous crops followed by continuous cropping of gramineous crops.2) Mulching and no-tillage treatment (MNT) induced significantly greater top growth of Japanese apricot, persimmon and some intercrops than incorporating rotary tilling treatment (IRT). Similarly, much mulching and no-tillage treatment (MMNT) induced greater growth than much mulching and rotary tilling (MMRT).3) Roots grew deeper, more fine roots and higher respiratory capacity was seen in MNT than in IRT.4) Japanese apricot tended to have greater fruit weight and yield in MNT than in IRT.5) Soil hardness of MNT was higher than IRT only in the upper soil zone.6) Soil pH decreased by more tillage and cultivation.7) soil nutrient uptake activity seemed to be higher in MNT-system. But no clear relationship between growth of crops and chemical properties of soil was seen.
- 日本農作業学会の論文
日本農作業学会 | 論文
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