Development of Labor Saving Operation Technique by Making Large Scale Paddy Field and Direct Seeding Cultivation of Rice in Tohoku District. Part 1. Problems on Farm Works in the Large Scale Paddy field.:Part 1. Problems on Farm Works in the Large Scale P
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In order to strongly promote the labor-saving and low cost rice production in Japan, magnification of a field plot and establishment of stable direct seeding technique are urgently required.Recently, the important size of paddy fields in Tohoku regeon is being magnified enlarged from 0.3ha to 0.6 over 2ha.Efficient cultural practices and field management suitable for large plot, therefore, should be established for competitive rice production in an international market.The following five techniques are considered to be secure and adequate seeding depth and for sufficient number of standings, hence reasonably rice gemination rate and sufficient numbers of plant standings, etc.1) Magnificantion of the plot size of puddy field with ±2.5cm of land leveling.2) Protection of water harrowing and leveling in paddy field.3) Good germination rate by introduction of big seeds all in one system.4) Simplification of operation of system for direct seeding broadcaster.5) Application of original broadcaster for seeding, weeding, spraying operation.
- 日本農作業学会の論文
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