Study on Chinese yam harvesting works 1. Many kinds of harvesting methods.:Many kinds of harvesting methods
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The Chinese yam is found deep under ground with an unique shape that is long, thin, and bigger in diameter at the lower. It is also fragile. Therefore it is difficult to harvest Chinese yams, in comparison with other roots. Though the harvesting process is been mechanized, a portion of the process is still done by man power unlike rice production which is completely machanized.Chinese yam production is not directly proportional to the cultivation area. The yield of the chinese yam is affected significantly by pests, diseases and weather conditions. Since the Chinese yam price changes greatly from year to year, it is a high speculative crop.Japan is dotted with Chinese yam fields from north, Hokkaido prefecture, to south, Tottori prefecture. As a result of climate differences, soil conditions and other factors, we have a variety of digging machinery and planting methods. In Japan, Chinese yam harvesting methods can be classified into 7 types.
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