Studies on the Fatal Farm Accidents in Hokkaido. Part 1-Statistical analysis of Present Farm Accidents.:Statistical analysis of Present Farm Accidents
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Under grant in aid of Hokkaido scientific research in 1990, about 15, 000 of farm accidents data during 1985-1990 in Hokkaido were analyzed. Furthermore, 70 fatal-injured accidents were interviewed during the survey. In this report, the statistical analysis of severe farm accidents was described and following guidance principle against farm safety policy was pointed out.1) As the number of fatal-injured on the farm accident are less than 40-men a year in Hokkaido, so there is a tendency to think light of the farm safety. But the number of injured on it in Hokkaido divided by total farming population, was much higher than that ratio of road-traffic accident which safety policies are very important problem.2) The statistical analysis showed that the farm accident increases for the tractor operation, the animal management, the high performance implement's operation and the traffic operation. And the accident also increases for the elder people and during the farming season goes rainy condition.3) The ROPS (safety flame) or weather-cabin which have the effect of reducing human-accident are bound to be attached to all farm tractors.4) Type or kind of farm accident was depend on cultivations of each area. The leader of safety policies has to find out the accident type, and inform the farmers about the safety instructions to fit the local situations.5) The big rear reflector must be attached to rear part of all farm machines which travel on the road for protect rear-end collision.
- 日本農作業学会の論文
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