- 論文の詳細を見る
We analyzed the details of cancer deaths in Gunma Prefecture. Age-adjusted death rates (adjusted to the 1985 model population of Japan) in Japan increased in cancers of the colon (males and females), gallbladder (males and females), kidney (males and females), liver (males), lung (males and females), prostate, breast (females) and ovary, and decreased in cancers of the esophagus (males and females), stomach (males and females), rectum (females), bladder (females) and uterus. Sites in which the degree of increase was the greatest were the colon in both males and females, and the greatest degree decrease was in stomach cancer in males and cancer of the uterus in females. Standardized mortality ratios (SMR) of each cancer in Gunma Prefecture were generally low. In all cancer deaths, the ranking of SMR in Japan were 40s in both males and females. However, cancer of the esophagus (males and females), stomach (males), gallbladder (males and females) and prostate showed comparatively high SMRs. SMRs by 10 districts in the prefecture in the main cancers showed characteristic distribution. Distribution of SMRs in males and females in the same sites were not similar. No sites without rectum and breast in females showed similar distribution of SMRs between them.
- 北関東医学会の論文
北関東医学会 | 論文
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