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In order to clarify the induction mechanism of the late cutaneous allergic respose (LCAR), the following were studied : 1) intracutaneous test with various kinds of allergens, 2) reversed type allergic resposes using anti-human IgE rabbit serum (aIgE), 3) P-K tests with several antigen-anti-body systems. Histopathological study of skin sites showing positive LCAR was performed. The following results were obtained : <BR>1) The frequency of LCAR varied with the kind of allergen used. The type of LCAR (isolated or dual type ; immediate and late) depended on the kind of allergen.<BR>2) Intracutaneous injection of aIgE also induced LCAR. There was no significant difference in the frequency of the response asthmatic patients and healthy volunteers.<BR>3) LCAR was often detected 4-8hours after the immediate reaction in P-K tests. However, in some cases LCAR was observed in negative P-K tests.<BR>4) Histological findings of LCAR showed edema in dermis, swollen collagen fibers and invasion of lymphcytes and polymorphnuclear leucocytes around blood vessels.<BR>5) No correlation between the frequency of LCAR and IgE levels in the blood of the asthmatic patients was observed.
- 北関東医学会の論文
北関東医学会 | 論文
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