- 論文の詳細を見る
Using the questionnaire, translated from BMRC respiratory questionnaire, the current smoking number of cigarettes per day, status of inhalation, and year when they started to smoke were surveyed, and the relation among these three was studied.<BR>The main concern of the present study was the accumulation of basic data for the discouraging early smoking habit. The results of the retrospective investigations on rural inhabitants are as follows : 1) The significantly high rate of heavy smokers (smoking 20 or more, and 30 or more cigarettes per day) was observed in group of early started smokers (started befor 19 of age). 2) Significantly high rate of deep inhalation was noted among the group of early started smokers and of higher amounts smokers, though the rate was relatively low in the group of others.<BR>These findings strongly suggest that early smoking habit may lead the persons to heavy smoking in older age. Since, however, the smoking behavior may differ by age group, cohort studies are claimed to obtain more detailed findings.
- 北関東医学会の論文
北関東医学会 | 論文
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