Current flow during and after the clamped voltage on the nerve under the electrotonic state
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Employig the bridge-voltage clamp method after Matumoto et al., the peak transient inward current (PTC) which appeared during and after the depolarizing and hyperpolarizing clamped voltage applied to the sciatic nerve of a bullfrog under the electrotonic state was observed. The experimental results, observed with respect to the resting potential, provided that the resting potential reduced with catelectrotonic state and increased with anelectrotonic state, were summerized as the following.<BR>1. The PTC which appeared during the depolarizing clamped voltage became smaller and finally disappeared with reduce of the resting potential, and the PTC after the hyperpolarizing clamped voltage was also the same.<BR>2. With increase of resting potential by increase of the anelectrotonic voltage, the PTC during the depolarizing clamped voltage or after the hyperporizing clamped voltage was the same as in 1.<BR>3. The PTC during or after the clamped voltage which was applied to the varied state of resting potential after the off of the electrotonic voltage was not contradictinal to the results in 1 and 2.
- 北関東医学会の論文
北関東医学会 | 論文
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