Integration and Synchronization:Introducing the Concept of Relationistic Pluritemporalism
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Proposing a view called relationistic pluritemporalism, I argue that all human beings live in at once natural time and historical time, though nature surpasses human beings in the spatial dimension and history does so in the temporal one. This view asserts that there is a multitude of times, i. e. rhythms of activities made by any system, whether living or not. Each living system has its own problems of time, both in integrating its internal rhythms into comprehensive rhythms, and of also in synchronizing the latter with the rhythms of other systems and with the cycles of the environment. As a resolution of these problems, there emerges a NOW in living systems, which is a synthesis of integration and synchronization. Human beings are distinguished from other creatures by the fact that they create social time using the tools of time and time vocabulary to solve the problems. Social time is a much more advanced synthesis whose order of integration is the sequence of PAST-PRESENT-FUTURE. Historical time is not this sequence but is created through change in the temporal synthesis of a given society. Therefore, the sequence of PAST-PRESENT-FUTURE itself changes in the course of historical time. The thinkers discussed include the following: Aristotle, J. Aschoff, Augustine, I. Kant, N. Luh-mann, J. E. McTaggart, K Marx and Plato.
- 日本哲学会の論文
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