「人間的尊厳」と性暴力--フェミニズムの視点から (特集 人間の尊厳とその侵犯 シンポジウム 人間の尊厳とその侵犯)
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Victims of sexual violence have long suffered from stories which were fabricated by the violence-producing culture. They have been brainwashed that the sexual assault they'd experienced was not a rape but rather a love affair by mutual consent. Victims were raped twice, one physically and again mentally. and the mental trauma was particularly persistent. To redeem their lost human dignity, we must disclose the deception of these phallocentric stories.<BR>Starting from Beauvoir, feminist philosophers, such as Irigaray and Kristeva, have been criticizing the phallocentric logics through their analysis of male philosophers. Their analyses show that even Hegel's phallocentric argument can serve feminist needs, if reinterpreted to our advantage.
- 日本哲学会の論文
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