死をまつる・まつりごと,ないし民主主義と国家--50年に乗り遅れた(?)日本哲学会のために (特集 国家と民主主義) -- (シンポジウム:国家と民主主義--哲学的検討)
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Democratic rights have been, since the Periclean democracy on, closely tied to, not to say bestowed by, a power of sovereign state to let person die : the power that mobilizes the masses by making them citizens of a nation-state. This power to let people die has become domestically invisible after a turn to the Foucaultian bio-power by virtue of democratic politics. However the power remains to let poeple die who are not counted as citizens of a nation-state : those who failed to build their nation-state, those who are not yet born, and those who suffer from difficulties which cannot be solved by an agreement among nation-states. Philosophical issues are; 1. how democracy can be something more than a device for aggregation of each's subjective and egoistic prefference, 2. how a democratic decision can and should go for our, i. e. first-person decision. These invite us to re-consider about social construction of selfhood.
- 日本哲学会の論文
日本哲学会 | 論文
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