Some Thoughts on the Origin of Art Pedagogy in Germany:An Enquiry in Art Pedagogy according to G. Otto and the Structure of Art Education
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By clarifying G. Otto ("Kunst als Prozeß im Unterricht", 1969) as he deals with the problem of how to conceptualize structurally the problem of formative art and education, the task of art pedagogy is realistically approached, i. e. how the young through art education are lead into the world; thus the foundations of art pedagogy are established.<BR>At the time when they were established during the latter half of the 1960ies, Otto adopted the viewpoint of production/expression and the theory of the structure of art education (<I>Gestaltungslehre</I>) from the art pedagogue of the Weimar period (1932), A. Erhardt, and through Erhardt he learned about the practice and the theory of <I>Bauhaus</I>. The viewpoint and the theory consisted in 'material/raw material-experiment-montage as the grammar of production/expression.<BR>On the basis of this viewpoint and this logic, he developed the following theory of art pedagogy : The meaning of art education can be interpreted as the problem of experimental/inquisitive search in the process of discovery and production. Through this discovery and search the young discover their own expression and a widening of that expression.<BR>This paper examines the structure of art pedagogy ("Gestaltungslehre, " 1932) as an enquiry into Otto's art pedagogy and its theoretical foundations. At the same time, through this enquiry the following process is clarified, i. e. the process is clarified how by overcoming the blind spot of the art education movement, the viewpoint and the logic of production/expression is prepared in various fields of formative art/design/architecture leading to a reform of the art academies and various arts in the 1920ies.
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