The Child's 'Thinking' and 'Experience' in a 'Course of Problem Solving':An Analysis of the Process of 'Problem Solving' from the Viewpoint ofContext-change'
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The problem discussed in this paper is, how does the child's mind work and how does he re-organize his experience through a 'Course of Problem Solving' in Social Studies. The following points will be taken up in connection with an analysis of a 'Nishijin-Ori' lesson in Social Studies by T. Nagata : <BR>1) What is a (problem'?and how does a problem arise? <BR>2) How does 'knowing something' affect the condition of the mind? <BR>3) In what condition is the mind when the 'problem' has been solved? The following points were clarified by this investigation <BR>1) Experiences are organized by a certain way of 'knowing' determined by a certain context.<BR>2) Whenever the context changes through the process of 'Problem Solving', the way of organizing experiences also changes.<BR>3) By changing the organization of social experience, the child can make decisions based on his position as a member of a certain social group.
- 教育哲学会の論文
教育哲学会 | 論文
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