The Characteristics of Blankertz's 'Allgemeine Bildung'
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Ever since the beginnings of modern education, the problem of integrating general education and vocational education has been called an <I>aporia</I>. This paper examines Blankertz's concept of general education which is looked upon as the most recent attempt within the discussions carried on continuously in Germany since the beginning of this century in an attempt to solve the problem. On the one hand, like earlier representatives of the integration theory, he tries to overcome the one-sidedness of the 'special education formation process' which constitutes the unifying point of both general and vocational education, by placing it into a general context including this science; on the other hand, he realizes the necessity of critical self-examination on the part of the pupil himself concerning the vocation related to this formation process and the necessity to take into account the individual character of the pupil choosing that particular vocation. That constitutes the characteristic point in Blankertz's theory.
- 教育哲学会の論文
教育哲学会 | 論文
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