The Contemporary Task in B. Russell's Educational Thought:With Special Emphasis on the Problem of Nationalism and Education
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According to Russell the aim of education is the important task of improving human nature and by doing so to reform society. However, in fact, education is frequently used by political power and the child is easily turned into a tool for political purposes. Russell called this "education as a political weapon" and analysed the structure of nationalism hidden therein. Indeed, nationalism is of a hostile and bellicose nature and includes a religious factor instilling in the hearts of people a wrong kind of patriotism. He purifies nationalism and on the basis of a cultural viewpoint favors a liberal education (education for freedom) to counteract political power and he stresses strongly the formation of a critical spirit which is able to distinguish clearly right from wrong. Here his ideal image of man is formed against the background of intelligence based on vitality. At this time of trying ordeals, only from what Russell callead "Education which makes man sane" can we expect that man will be delivered from his insanity, recover his former self and be able to build a new society.
- 教育哲学会の論文
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