Jaspers's Philosophy of the 'Boundary Situation' and Its Educational Significance
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There are two aims in this article.<BR>The first is to examine the significance of Karl Jaspers's 'philosophy of communication' in the context of the European intellectual tradition. According to Jaspers, the crisis of the modern existence is due to the disintegration of the dualistic principle which has been the basis of the whole European thought and culture. That is to say, European philosophy has relied upon the balance or harmonious tension between dualistic, complementary values, such as earthly and unearthly, infinite and finite, active and passive, personal and impersonal, and so forth. But the increasing denial of the latter values of these couples and unrestrained affirmation of the formers has resulted in the present crisis. The signficance of Jaspers's philosophy of communicanion, based on the recognition of the 'boundary' or 'extreme situation' (<I>Grenzsituation</I>), lies in the point that it successfully restores the lost harmony between these dualities.<BR>The second purpose of the paper is to consider the significance of human education in the boundary situation. The true recognition of this situation will enable us to grasp the real, existentialistic condition of man; that is, the definition of man as a being that, from its own nature, seeks for the 'communication' with the supernatural. Such grasp of human nature alone can make it possible for each existence to establish, instead of a merely objective and superficial relationship, a really subjective, personal and meaningful communication or encounter between themselves.
- 教育哲学会の論文
教育哲学会 | 論文
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