Proactive interference in spatial working memory in radial 4- and 8-arm mazes in rats.
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The present experiments investigated a proactive interference (PI) in spatial working memory by rats. Rats were trained in 4-and 8-arm maze conditions using a within-subject design and given 5 daily trials in each condition. In Experiment 1, using the free choice procedure, a PI effect was not observed in both conditions and 4-and 8-arm conditions did not differ in the choice accuracy. The analysis of patterns of choices revealed that this result was due to the tendency for rats to enter adjacent arms. In order to prevent this tendency, a forced-run procedure was used in Experiment 2. In this procedure, a substantial PI effect was found in both conditions, that is, the choice accuracy declined as trials progressed. Moreover, the overall choice accuracy of the 4-arm maze condition was superior to the 8-arm condition, but the conditions and trials did not interact significantly. Factors affecting the PI in spatial working memory by rats were discussed.
- 日本動物心理学会の論文
日本動物心理学会 | 論文
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