A Study on the Tang and the Ancient Japanese Statutes on Mourning & Burial:with special reference on the difference between Tang and Japan Statutes about arrangement of provisions
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The Statutes on Mourning and Burial which prescribes mourning rite, undertaking etc. for the emperor and officials was a chapter of Statutes (administrative Code) from western Jin (268) to Northern Song period. Arrange order of this chapter was always second to the latest (Miscellaneous), because traditional Chinese idea regards rite to the deceased, inspite of its importance, was detestable and must be put next to the latest in state institutions. On the contrary, in ancient Japanese Taiho (701) and Yoro (718) Statutes which imitate Tang Yonghui Statutes (651), the chapter was situated former to the Arrest fusitives and Prison; this was harmonious to traditional Japanese idea that recognized the rule towards criminals must be situated after the law for deceased. Japanese Statutes on Mourning and Burial have 17 provisions, of which 16 accepted Tang corresponding provisions and the final one was adopted from Tang Yong-hui (Xianqing) Ritual Observances, and had not added any original provision. Tang Statutes on M. and B. reconstructed by late Prof. Noboru NIIDA had 25 provisions, 8 of them were entirely omitted and the other provisions also shortened and simplified in Japanese Statutes. For example, surrounding tombs to Imperial mausoleum in Tang was not accepted in Japan, the banner for the deceased, burial clay doll and all kinds of grave goods in Tang were abolished in Japan. We may perhaps reconstruct and add 4 more Tang Statutes provisions through minute investigation on Tang Liudian ch. 4, 18 and Tongdian ch. 86. Prof. NIIDA's reconstruction entirely follows Japanese Yoro Statutes concerning provisions arrange order, nevertheless author concludes after many-sided research, Japanese Statutes on M. & B. had altered the arrangement of provisions also.<BR>Author's temporary revised Tang provisions arrangement as follows; (Prof. NIIDA's No.→N.)<BR>1-N. 3, 2-N. 4, 3-N. 6, 4-N. 8, 5-N. 9, 6-add., 7-N. 10, 8-N. 5, 9-N. 7, 10-N. 22, 11-N. 11, 12-N. 12, 13-N. 13, 14-N. 14, 15-N. 15, 16-N. 16, 17-N. app., 18-N. 17, 19-N. 18, 20-N. 19, 21-add., 22-add., 23-N. 2, 24-N. 1, 25-N. 20, 26-add., 27-N. 23, 28-N. 24, 29-N. 21<BR>Ancient Japan from 4 to 6 century was called the Kofun (old tomb mounds) period, which was distinguished by huge keyhole-shaped tomb mounds, and from early 7 century the idea of thrifty burial was imported from China and influenced increasingly over Japanese funeral customs. Japanese Statutes on M. and B. is seemed as a final regulation towards ancient Japanese funeral manners.
- 法制史学会の論文
法制史学会 | 論文
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