On the Juntianzhi (_??__??__??_ Equal Land System) In Tang Pariod:the Power and the Land Tenure in Ancient Chinese History
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The equal land system from the 5 th to the 8 th century, through which the government authority alloted field of standard dimensions to each peasantry to support his livelihood and to pay<I> zu-yung-diao</I> tax and corvée to the state, is one of the most remarkable land policies in Chinese history. In this paper the author intends to clarify the aim and significance of the system, especially in <I>Tang</I> period when the system entered the complete and decline stage.<BR>After various reforms and adjustments to the actual conditions through the <I>Northern</I> and <I>Sui</I> dynasties, the system in early <I>Tang </I>period has fundamentally conserved the fixed prescriptions in the statute over 150 years. Comparing carefully the statutes-<I>Wade</I> 624 A.D., <I>Kaiynen </I>the former 719, <I>Kaiyuan</I> the later 737, & Japanese<I> Yoro</I> 718 which considerably copied<I> Tang</I> statutes-we are convinced that there is not any basic revision in the articles, thoughg one can easily notice several apparent differences of minor importance. The equal land system had at its start a notable characteristic that encouraged the agricultural production, and then in<I>Tang</I> period it ruled principally the land tenure in proportion to the postion of social status. Thus the system in the period may be evaluated rather as an ideal institution which was adjusted to the ruling idea of the governing class.<BR>There was an opinion that regarded equal land system as a fictitious law, and it was completely refuted by Dr. NIIDA and others on the basis of historical proofs. Recently, the detailed studies on the first-hand documents found at Turf an in <I>Xinjiang</I>-especially Dr. NISHIJIMA'S treatise in <I>Monumenta Serindica</I> vol. II, 1959-explain the real situation under the system in the 8 th century. There (<I>Xizhou</I> in <I>Tang</I>), under the semimilitary colonial rule of<I> Tang</I>, rigid land allotment was performed according to the <I>juntian </I>form. But in spite of the use of terms such as<I> yingshoutian, yongyetian, </I>the actual state of them are far from the <I>juntien</I> rule in statutes.<BR>We can find here an inconsistency between the actual land policy and the establ-ished form. Accordingly we must deliberate the socio-economic functions of the system in its real enforcement on one hand, and on the other hand appreciate the universal form which penetrated to all the corners of <I>Tang</I> Empire.
- 法制史学会の論文
法制史学会 | 論文
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