Litigations concerning to hisashi-tsuki (eaves-accessories):Some cases in Hino-shinden in the Mino country
- 論文の詳細を見る
In the rural community of Japan during the Tokugawa period, the social status of the farmers was subdivided into several classes according to the hereditary prestige of each family which was called kakaku (family status). The syoya (village headman) was usually elected from among the farmers of the upper kakaku. But in the district where the kakaku was adhered rigidly, the status of mura-yakunin (village official) as such did not mean that he was of the upper kakaku, and the kakaku was so important that the precedence at meetings was fixed with it.<BR>At that time there were two movements, opposed to each other, concerning to the kakaku. The one stressed that keeping to the kakaku was selfgoverning rules of the rural community; the other boosted for the possibilities of social mobility, so that the wealthy farmers might gain equal standings through removing restrictions caused by the kakaku.<BR>In Hino-shinden in the Mino country (now within the Gifu city), it was a prerogative of the farmers of the upper kakaku to fit up their houses with hisashi (eaves) accessories. Several documents are found, dated in the first half of the nineteenth century, which inform us about the concrete cases of litigations concerning to the hisashi accessories, for the farmers of the lower kakaku also became jealous to furnish with them.<BR>This article introduces such documents and refers to the procedures of those litigations.
- 法制史学会の論文
法制史学会 | 論文
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