<I>Ping-Pu-shih</I>(_??__??__??_)of T'ang and <I>Gumboryo</I>(_??__??__??_)of Japan
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The <I>Taiko-Bitsuryo</I> (_??__??__??__??_) of Japan is generally held to be an imitation of the <I>Lü-ling</I> (_??__??_) of T'ang (_??_), but the <I>Ko</I> (_??_) and the <I>Shih</I> (_??_) of T'ang also were consulted in making it. This essay makes it clear that the <I>Gumboryo</I> (_??__??__??_) of Japan was modelled after a certain passage on rocket in the <I>Ping-pu-shih</I> (_??__??__??_) of the <I>Kai-yüan</I> (_??__??_) period of T'ang quoted in the <I>Wu-chin.y-tsung-yao</I> (_??__??__??__??_) which is included in the <I>Ssu-k'u-ch'üan-shun-chen pen</I> (_??__??__??__??__??__??_), studies the difference between the rocket systems of the two countries, and considers the reason why that difference had come into existence.
- 法制史学会の論文
法制史学会 | 論文
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